Is it getting in the way of your success? If you don’t have a job search strategy mapped out, that might be the problem. Hey, no one is suggesting you write a three page job search plan – simply write down who you want to connect with, how you’re connecting, and what you’re planning on sending. And, going forward track what resume you’re sending and note what job it’s for and to whom.
Once you take control of the process you’ll be able to advance through your job search a bit more quickly. By taking action and seeing progress, you’ll feel much more productive and far less stuck.
Here are some tips to tame the job search monster:
Mix up your search – don’t rely on job search sites alone. You can better use the internet by searching for associations, trade journals, and websites affiliated with your particular field. They might have job openings that are not published on national job search sites. Because it is easy, most job seekers are going to Monster and CareerBuilder – you gain an advantage by looking down the road less traveled.
Let your network know you’re looking for a job – this is a biggy. Most job openings are never announced publicly or advertised. Job seekers find out about open positions through a hidden job market. The #1 way to find out about these unadvertised openings is through your network.
Don’t limit your network to your field exclusively. Connect with people inside and outside of your field of expertise to stay well informed. Even if you are not working right now remain connected with your network – e-mail relevant news or hot articles as a way to stay in touch.
Tailor your resume to each job for which you apply. Give yourself permission to apply for positions even if you don’t meet all of the qualifications. It is standard practice to send out your resume if you meet approximately 70% of the qualifications. Something on your resume could resonate with the employer and you could be consider a contender, so send it out.
Be very proactive in your search. Bang on doors, make calls, and approach hiring managers for informational interviews. Send out resumes to local companies who are in a growth mode.
Record of your search activities. Do this manually, via Excel, an app, or some other means.
These tips might help you to tame the job search monster and keep you from get stuck. Make a plan, take action, and you will move forward. If you need help, ASK so you can get back in business quickly!
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