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Life On The Job: How To Quit Your Job

Life-On-The-Job-How-To-Quit-Your-JobLeaving your job? If you are interested in making a career change or at the very least exploring other options, read on. And, if your plan is to resign, here are several essential tips. These tips might help to make the most of what can be a very uncomfortable situation.

Some careerists have a real problem quitting a job. As a matter of fact, a long time ago I actually quit a job for a friend of mine via phone. Since then I have grown just a bit. I realize now that this is an aspect of your career that you want to control. Think of it as proactive career management.

Tip #1: If you can, give your employer as much notice as possible. Most employers expect to be informed at least two weeks prior to your leaving. It is considered a best practice to give notice. You certainly don’t want to make any enemies on your way out the door.

Tip #2: Put your resignation in writing. You do not want to offer a verbal resignation and certainly avoid quitting your job over the phone. This is not something you put in an email either. Actually type up your resignation, print it out, and deliver it to your employer. It’s generally a good idea to thank your employer for the opportunity. Again strive to leave on a positive note.

Tip #3: Clearly now is not the time to burn bridges. Remember, your actions have consequences and even more important remember that the world is very small. Many careerists have left their jobs at XYZ Company, gone on to ABC Company, and low and behold the ABC Company gets purchased. Guess what? They’re working at ABC but leadership from ABC is gone. XYZ is in charge. If you ticked anyone off at XYZ when you left, you’re looking for a new job. See why it’s important to leave on a good note?

Tip #4: Be certain to return all company property and important documents. It is essential that you return all items that you didn’t personally purchase even if you are not asked. Obviously you don’t want to be a part of any misunderstandings in terms of theft. It’s just another way to ensure you leave a positive impression of yourself.

In essence, it is best to leave your current position on a friendly note. That means no resignation phone calls, no notes on message pads, no e-mails, and certainly no walking off of the job. By taking a positive and proactive approach to your resignation, your employer is not left in the lurch with tons of work and no one to do it. This gives your employer time to hire someone new and possibly a bit of time to train a new employee.

Of course the best thing that you can do when resigning from your current job is to use your best judgment. If you put yourself in the place of your employer and ask how you would like to be informed of an employee’s resignation you’ll get a better sense of how to handle the situation. It’s a great way to show that you appreciate your employer’s needs and that you actually respect those needs.

Again this is simple career management – it makes sense to leave on good terms. Your decision to resign properly will pay off in the future. If you want to end up with a good reference and an employer who has positive things to say about you long after your gone, you have nothing to lose.

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