
Dress For Success 300x191 - Interview Coach: Dress For SuccessThis is especially true in this current economic market. You are actually taking a chance if you don’t pay attention to the way you present yourself. In fact, you start making an impression from the moment you send in your resume. For the purpose of this article, we’ll focus on the impression that you make with the clothing you wear.

Remember, how you look (and your prospective employer’s perception of your manner of dress) can significantly impact your interview. As a matter of fact your manner of dress can have a longer lasting impact on your career.

What you wear in an interview can go a long way in giving you the initial edge. Your interviewer is not just evaluating your job skills, your achievements and your personality. Appearance is taken into consideration too. Even if you are applying for a job with a company with a casual dress code, being viewed as someone who cares and takes pride in personal appearance is going to be looked on positively.

Here are a some tips for dressing the part:

  • Whether the dress code is casual or conservative, wear clothing that is on the conservative side. Choose clothing that makes you feel good and confident.
  • Don’t wait until the morning of the interview to get your clothes ready and you might search for the best work boots according to WBN. Go over your clothes and make any necessary repairs. Have your clothes professionally cleaned a couple of days before the interview.
  • Dress in a dark suit, simple tie, and matching shoes. Males should be clean shaven and well kempt. If you must wear aftershave/cologne, keep it to a minimum. Hair should be well cared for and recently cut.
  • Females will want to wear conservative clothing. Stay away from lots of frills, short hems, and avoid anything too revealing. And, if you must use perfume use it very sparingly. Jewelry should be kept to a minimum and shouldn’t clang.
  • If you have plans on bringing a portfolio or brief case, it should match the rest of your ensemble.
  • Don’t wear anything too trendy especially if you’re applying for a professional or conservative position. Infuse your personality into your clothing after you get the job.

Consider this. Take two equally qualified candidates vying for a position as a nurse. One is dressed in a suit and tie and the other candidate is in a tight pink sweater and short lime green skirt. Of the two candidates, who is going to be taken more seriously, the fashion forward one or the one dressed in conservative interview attire? If everything else is equal and if  clothing is the only difference between the two applicants, wouldn’t the employer select the more conservatively dressed applicant?

By wearing the proper attire to your interview, you will be looked upon as someone who thought the interview was important and who doesn’t approach critical situations casually. A well dressed job seeker gives the impression of being a professional.

Clearly it’s your career – you decide what clothing is appropriate. However, ask yourself this, if the only thing standing between you and your next career move is looking good, why not dress for success?

Remember, interviewing doesn’t have to be a pain, as a matter of fact, if you practice interviewing with a coach, interviewing can be a breeze! Click here to learn about interview coaching and how we’ve helped our clients leverage their success and get hired.

Patricia Erickson is a seasoned career management expert and certified professional resume writer with over twelve years of executive recruiting and coaching experience. She works with career changers and job seekers to design strategies that transform careers. Patricia has been instrumental in navigating clients toward their true career aspirations as well as finding purpose and personal fulfillment.