Staying Positive Even In Tough Times

Personal Development: Staying Positive Even In Tough Times

Are you facing a really tough challenge? It is a comfort to know that you can get through the toughest times while maintaining a positive outlook throughout. When you stay in touch with yourself and understand how to handle the ups and downs of life, it makes it easier for you to persevere.

When you believe in yourself, you can actually go farther than you’ve ever imagined. That means that your first step is to believe that you’re capable of having a positive outlook. Your firm belief in yourself will help you to erase those negative thoughts that try to plague your thinking during trying times.

Ups And Downs Of Your Life

You know already that life is made up of numerous ups and downs and hopefully ups again. When things are going great, it is perfectly normal to hope that it lasts forever. When things are taking a difficult turn, it is often hard to even imagine life getting better again.

If you are experiencing a particularly trying time, it is essential that you take the time you need to grieve. No one should expect that you bounce back immediately. And, there is a chance that you will be a changed person. Remember, however that you can and will have good times again!

When the time is right for you (you decide) start moving towards a better future. You will be able to experience more “ups” in life. If you’re open to this type of change, you will be on your way to a positive outlook.

Believe In Yourself

Practice believing in yourself – it is essential and key to living a happy life. Sure it can be said that using phrases like the following are trite: “If you think you can do it, you actually can do it,” but the sentiment is still true. Don’t limit yourself. If you think something is possible, then know that you can achieve it!

During tough times, you may not believe that you are truly capable of moving beyond the situation. This is the time when you need to tap into every bit of your personal strength and take a good look at yourself. Discover just how tough you really are and rely on your inner strength.


Use Positive Affirmations

Remember, positive affirmations are a terrific way for you to stay positive if you open yourself up to them. Simply use these short, constructive statements to communicate with your unconscious mind.

Journal your own affirmations or find affirmations in a book or on a website that resonate with you. Affirmations are a great way to remind you of your inner strength and personal qualities. Take time each day to practice for the best results.

Know Your True Self

Positive and negative events have the power to bring you opportunities and allow you to get in touch with your true self. Tough times are challenges, and if you’re poised and maintain a positive attitude, you will learn more about yourself and your capabilities.

Difficult times give you the ability to get in touch with your inner values. Look for the deeper meaning of it all, and always look for the silver lining. Hopefully, even the toughest and most trying situations can become opportunities for learning. Try to open yourself to see the lesson.

Looking At The Future

Once you have learned a life lesson by making it through a particularly difficult situation, you can tap into that knowledge to help you cope with future obstacles. Rather than dwelling on the negative, try to focus on enjoying your life in the moment in order to maintain the positive outlook. Remember this: You deserve every happiness.

Patricia Erickson is a career management coach and professional development enthusiast. She discusses career change at length in her new book entitled Career Management Guide: A Practical Approach To Career Change In Any Economy.

Patricia is a seasoned career management expert and certified professional resume writer with over twelve years of executive recruiting and coaching experience. She works with career changers and job seekers to design strategies that transform careers. Patricia has been instrumental in navigating clients toward their true career aspirations as well as finding purpose and personal fulfilment.

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