This contribution is a wealth of information. When you finish Donnie Karlyle’s article, be sure to check out several related posts, Online Job Search: Must Have Tips and Online Job Search: Must Have Tips Part 2. By the way, please know I have nothing against Toledo! … Patricia
Online Job Search Sites – Find a Job Without Having Your Identity Stolen, by Donnie Karlyle
Here is the truth, “Online data scraping tools search sites can be dangerous!”
Yes, although sites like Monster, Career Builder, Hotjobs and Indeed are all reliable and trustworthy site when you’re looking for work. Some of the companies that advertise for employees through these sites may not always have the best intentions.
Here’s what I mean: The prospective employers link they provide may at times not even be for real companies. But for con artist whose sole purpose is to steal your life away. To get your full name, social security number, birth-date and your home address. I’m talking the whole shebang.
All so they can do only god knows what with your identity.
Here’s a true story…
I just moved to an up and coming part of the wonderful state of Texas from the cold dreary town of Toledo, Ohio. Anyway in planning for the move I searched most of the online job search sites to see what jobs were available.
As I reviewed the open job results, there was something quite weird about this one particular link I clicked through to from a major job site. Something about it just didn’t sit well with me, but I filled out the online application anyway. Once finished, before clicking the submit button, I sat back and looked at the page for a moment and that’s when it hit me!
There was no contact information what-so-ever for this company. No address. No phone number (not even a toll free #). Not even an email address. I then opened another tab on my web browser and Googled the company name and the only information Google gave me was the job posting that was listed on this major job site.
Just to be sure I wasn’t crazy though, I Googled the name of one of the top companies in the same industry this company was supposed to be apart of.
Guess what I found?
This second company had its contact information all over its site. They had an 800 number, they had a regular number. They had a physical address and an email address so that you could contact them.
Comparing these sites confirmed my suspicion. I believe (and its just my opinion) that this website was setup to steal my personal information and that of any other person seeking employment online at job search sites.
I guess what Donnie reports is not so hard to believe, right? As I mentioned in an earlier post, be sure to do your due diligence!! … Patricia
So in a nutshell, my advice to you is pay attention to who you’re giving your personal information to… especially when you search for work online at job search sites.
Donnie Karlyle is an husband and father of two who is skilled in using the internet to find work online. If you would like information on a more simple way to find work online go to
Article Source: Donnie Karlyle
Patricia Erickson is a seasoned career management expert and certified professional resume writer with over twelve years of executive recruiting and coaching experience. She works with career changers and job seekers to design strategies that transform careers. Patricia has been instrumental in navigating clients toward their true career aspirations as well as finding purpose and personal fulfillment.
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