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Are You Making a Great Impression

Are You Making a Great Impression?

Impression management is important to any job seeker. You’re taking a big chance if you don’t pay attention to the way you present yourself. The first impression that you make as you enter a room and greet an interviewer really sets the tone of the interview and going forward. The right attire and confident personal presence can go a long way in giving you the initial edge.

Tips On Dressing The Part Remember that the interviewer is not just evaluating your job skills, accomplishments, and personality. Your appearance is taken into consideration too. Even if you’re applying for a job at a company with a casual dress code, being viewed as someone who cares and takes pride in personal appearance is going to be looked on positively. By wearing proper interview attire, you will be viewed as someone who thought the interview was important and doesn’t approach critical situations casually.

Are You Making a Great ImpressionA well dressed individual gives the impression of being organized in his/her ways. Consider two equally qualified candidates. One is dressed in a suit and tie – the other jeans and a t-shirt. If clothing is the only difference between the two applicants, wouldn’t the employer select the better dressed applicant?


Here Are Some Top Tips For Dressing The Part:

  • Whether the company dress code is casual or conservative, plan on wearing clothing that is formal and conservative. Select clothing you have worn before that makes you feel good and confident.
  • Be prepared. Don’t wait until the morning of the interview to get your clothes ready! As a matter of fact, go over your clothes and make any necessary repairs. Have your clothes professionally cleaned a couple of days before the interview!
  • Wear a dark suit, simple tie, and matching shoes. Males should be clean shaven, well kempt, and definitely keep aftershave/cologne to a minimum. Your hair should be well cared for and recently cut.
  • Females should wear conservative clothing with matching shoes and purse. Stay away from frills, short hems, and avoid anything too revealing. And, if you must use perfume use it sparingly. Jewelry should be kept to a minimum and shouldn’t clang when you walk.
  • If you have plans on bringing a portfolio or brief case, I suggest that the brief case match the rest of your ensemble.
  • Not only your clothes will be making an impression. Your body language plays a very critical role in an interview. It can make or break your chances at getting hired. You might be saying one thing, but if your body language isn’t saying the same thing you’re probably sending the wrong message.

To Appear Warm and Open:

  • Keep your lips parted when you smile
  • Hold your hands open with palms visible
  • Unbutton your jacket as you sit

To Appear Confident:

  • Keep your head up and maintain eye contact
  • Use hand gestures while speaking
  • Walk purposefully and keep an upright posture
  • Offer your hand and use a firm handshake

To Avoid Appearing Stressed:

  • Don’t fidget
  • Speak clearly and don’t babble
  • Mix up your phrasing
  • Don’t cough or yawn
  • Refrain from touching your face and hair
  • Don’t tap your feet or fidget

To Avoid Coming Appearing Defensive:

  • Don’t fold your arms
  • Keep your head down
  • Lean forward and use open body language
  • Don’t roll your eyes
  • Keep your hands away from your face while talking
  • Avoid frowning
  • Steer clear of tight-lipped smiling

Use these tips and you’ll make a terrific first impression, and you’ll look and feel the part of a professional!

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