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Career Change Is Good

Career Change Is Good. How?

Career Change Is GoodThis is an inspirational contribution by Michelle H Smith that I hope you will enjoy as much as I did. Michelle does a great job of showing readers how change can be a good thing. After you review Michelle’s article, check out our newest post, Career Change: Myths Exposed Part 2. *Patricia

How Change is Good By Michelle H Smith

Change is difficult for most people. When you get used to maintaining the same schedule day in and day out, eating specific types of foods, spending time with certain people, watching the same TV programs, and even shopping at the same stores, change can seem impossible. After all; why would you want to change when you are so comfortable?

Scientists and naturalists alike believe that it takes anywhere from 21-30 days to create or break a habit. Some research has suggested that change can prevent certain diseases. Dr. Daniel Amen gives insight into the topic of change in his book “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life.”

In some cases, change is necessary and in many other cases it’s just good. There are many things in your life that can benefit from change:

* A change in jobs (working with nicer people or doing something you like/love)

* A change in salary (more money is always good!)

* A change in marital status

* Severing toxic relationships

* Moving to a home with more space for your family and belongings

* Losing unnecessary weight brings change

* Changing your faith/belief system toward the God of the Universe

* Relocating

Michelle makes a great point here: change can be major. However, if you break changes down and take smaller steps, change is far less intimidating. Career change in particular does not happen overnight. Career change does not have to be agonizing and the outcome can be a life rich with personal fulfillment. Read on – she talks about change on a smaller scale. *Patricia

These changes are pretty big and may take time to implement. Let’s look at some smaller changes which are easier to make but still provide you with the benefit of a fuller life:

* Getting a make over and maintaining the new look

* Getting a haircut

* Getting a new wardrobe, including purging the old one

* Rearranging a room in your home

* Learning a new hobby or skill

While the first step toward change proves most difficult, it all begins with taking that first step. Any number of small changes will help you take a step toward making bigger ones. Smaller changes also help you to raise your confidence level.

Not all change feels good (i.e. the death of a loved one) and life isn’t always a joy but change is still good. Life is lived in seasons. Some seasons are like winter when “things” die but remember. There are 3 other seasons of change:

Spring – a time of rebirth and refreshing

Summer – a time of fun and enjoyment outdoors

Fall – a time of beauty and mild temperatures and also a time of preparation for…winter

Resisting change will only keep you from experiencing the good that life has to offer on the other side of it. Commit to the flexibility of embracing change and LIVE life. Change is good.

Michelle H Smith is simply a mom of a special needs little boy with cerebral palsy and epilepsy. She shares simple strategies for embracing life’s changes. Sign up for her free Stress Less Recipe for ways to combat stress on a daily basis.

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Making a career change does not have to be an agonizing process. Patricia Erickson discusses the ins and outs of career change in detail in her new book entitled Career Management Guide: A Practical Approach To Career Change In Any Economy.

Patricia is a highly regarded career management expert and certified professional resume writer with over twelve years of executive recruiting and coaching experience. She partners with career changers and job seekers to design strategies that transform careers. Patricia has helped clients to navigate toward their true career aspirations as well as finding purpose and personal fulfillment.

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